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Program: Adult Basic Education

The adult basic and secondary education courses (ABE and ASE) are designed to offer adults the opportunity to improve basic reading comprehension, writing, and math skills to be more confident in a variety of settings. Once the student’s skill is at a high school equivalency level, the student can then move on to other forms of career training and education. Students receive a certificate of completion after successfully mastering each level, up to ABE or ASE level 6.

Course: English as a Second Language (ESL)

SCSA offers multi-leveled classes for individuals to improve their English reading, writing, and speaking skills. We provide a variety of curriculum both in person and online to assist you with developing proficiency in the English language.

Register now for classes! Contact us for more details.

Graduated Girl

Program: High School Diploma/GED

Courses: High School Diploma/GED

SCSA provides our community members who have had life get in the way of attaining a high school diploma several options to obtain that goal.


Our classes are small, and when necessary, students meet one-on-one with an instructor to complete a high school diploma. We provide the standard text-based curriculum model, online model, and blended model, as well as a nationally recognized alternative option called the National External Diploma Program (NEDP). Classes are offered on both sides of the county: in Loyalton at the main campus, in Downieville at the Downieville School and Community Center, and on the Ridge when requested. With the loss of the Firm Foundation location on the Ridge, we are currently exploring new location options.

SCSA also provides GED prep classes, which are available throughout the county and are provided in the same format as the high school diploma classes. We assist with and provide pretesting opportunities and help with the actual testing registration process. For those who qualify, we refer them to our local Workforce Alliance for assistance with the GED testing fees.

We hold a small graduation ceremony two times per year for our graduates to invite friends and family to participate in their achievements.

Get your High School Dipolma. Register now for classes! Call us for more details.  

January Calendar 2025
February 2025 Calendar

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